Saturday, September 15, 2007

Some New Sticky Designs

For your viewing pleasure, here are some new vinyl ideas. Feel free to email me if your interested.:)

With your own last name...unless you want mine.
I love decorating for the holidays!


The Cairns Family said...

Those are so cute!!! You are very creative.

Trisha said...

Very nice! I love vinyl decorating. Can you get me some pricing?

Baldwin Fam said...

The pricing depends on the size (how tall) the letters are (in inches). Email me at and let me know exactly what you'd like.:) I do have lots of quotes and ideas already if you aren't sure.

Lindsay said...

These are so cute! When I get a free moment I need to come look at them. I think they would be awesome Christmas gifts!

Trisha said...

Ok, so I got your message a little late for Friday am, so let's do this week sometime. Tues or Thurs morning work for me. What do you think?

Lila said...

The BOO turned out so cute. I really love it. I think I might have a new ideah I am excited to share with you. Umm, I'm out of town again though, I really need to call you when I get back...Sorry...