Tigi loves you for the rides on you shoulders and how you let her work with you and the tools. Alex loves you for all your good raspberry noises and rolling around on the floor. I love you for all the hard work you do for our family and for the hunka hunka burning love that you are. :)
Thanks babe for being a wonderful dad!
We also celebrated over at Devin's dad's and attempted to take a couple of pictures. Know I know they'll never work out, but you can always hope that someday we'll get a good one. :)
You notice, only my kids were crying. Up until then, mine were the happy ones! Oh brother!
I also want to give a little shout out to my own dad. He helped me become the person I am today and he taught Dev and I how to support ourselves in a career that we love. He was funny and loving and knew how to take life's challenges in stride. I still miss him.
that is a really cute pic of you and your dad :)
I miss your dad too. Honestly. And I miss him for you.
Those are cute pictures though.
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