Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Girl After My Own Heart.

Of course I always expected that Antigone would ride horses. I also plan on horses of our own...someday. But Tig decided to get a jump on the process and fell in love with her new cowgirl boots! She totally digs them! They are a size too big, but I just decided to try them on her and she didn't want to take them off. I took them off her twice and both times she carried them back to me, with the look, you know the look I'm talking about.:)
I know she's in the buff, but it just completes the picture. :)


Kaymee said...

Too cute!!

Jamie said...

Hi's Jamie Hutchings! How are you? I found your blog from my sis-in-law, Wendy. I just wanted to pop in and say hi. Your little girl is too cute, she looks just like you!

The Cairns Family said...

Tig looks so adorable in her boots! We all knew she would follow after her Mom!!!

Anonymous said...

Great Grandpa Bailey would be so proud !!